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Inside the Attack on the Post Office What is going on at the Post Office? Here is Thom's take. |
noon-3:00 pm eastern
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This Week on the
Science Revolution
Dr. Michael Mann On New Climate Models Projecting Extreme Warming
On the Science Revolution this week - Can Americans Stop the Republican Party and Their Billionaire Lifeline Before Another Hundred Thousand Americans Die? Dr. Michael Mann is here and I'm asking him about some of the new climate models that are projecting extreme warming. Are they correct? Remington Gregg Counsel with Public Citizen joins me on how the Coronavirus continues to spread, yet, there are no enforceable health standards forthcoming. Also, Chloë Waterman with Friends of the Earth drops by on how we stop meatpacking plants from killing people?
Listen Here & Subscribe - The Science Revolution w/Thom Hartmann on Apple Podcasts
He knows, as Republicans have known for 40 years since Americans first started rejecting Reaganomics in widespread numbers, that when everybody can vote in America, Republicans lose elections.
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Coronavirus relief: it's time to put Americans first(2 comments)
By Thom Hartmann
Two weeks after America diagnosed its first case of COVID-19, Republicans in the United States Senate (with the single exception of Mitt Romney) refuse to vote to impeach Donald Trump.